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At Manor Hill, we have carefully crafted our curriculum to meet the needs of our vibrant and inquisitive pupils. Informed by the National Curriculum, our bespoke Manor Hill Curriculum is structured into two cycles, A and B, to accommodate our mixed-age classes. This approach ensures a cohesive and progressive learning journey for all pupils throughout their time at our school.

Our programmes of study are rich in both knowledge and skills. We use subject-specific concepts to help children effectively organise and prioritise information. Substantive concepts provide foundational knowledge, while disciplinary concepts guide skill development and enable critical thinking. These approaches support teachers in charting a clear pathway through learning, helping children know more, remember more, and make meaningful connections between their knowledge.

Motivating children to learn is at the heart of what we do. We achieve this through experiential and hands-on learning opportunities that bring lessons to life. Our timetable is thoughtfully designed to maximise learning, with Phonics, Mathematics, and English taught every morning, while Science and foundation subjects are distinctly taught through weekly lessons. All subjects are assessed using a range of techniques that celebrate achievements and track progress effectively through an assessment schema showcase.

To ensure children revisit and build upon prior knowledge, our lessons are delivered using research-based teaching strategies. These methods, informed by best practices in education, underpin Quality First Teaching and ensure all pupils receive the support they need to succeed.

We are committed to fostering curiosity, engagement, and excellence in every child by providing a curriculum that inspires, challenges, and prepares them for the future.

To map out the connections throughout the curriculum detailing the sequential progression, we have used a range of 'codes' to link knowledge together.

The Key to the codes can be seen below:

 Curriculum Key

KS1 - Key Stage 1 (year 1 and 2)

LKS2 - Lower Key Stage 2 (year 3 and 4)

CA - Cycle A

CB - Cycle B

T1 - Autumn Term 1

T1.2 - Autumn Term 2

T2 -  Spring Term 1

T2.1 -Spring Term 2

T3- Summer Term 1

T3.1- Summer Term 2

Curriculum Maps

Key Stage 1

Key Stage 2


Manor HillFirst School
Contact Us
01785 812418Manor Hill First Schooloffice@manorhill.staffs.sch.ukManor Rise, Stone ST15 0HY
The Creative Learning Patnership Trust